You might already know that almost everything you do on the Internet makes money for someone else. And that’s not just when you spend money. Just about every time you view an ad, click an ad, search, buy something, download something, join a community, or post a story, picture, or video, some person or some company is making a fee, commission, and/or sale from your activity
If you want to join as a Member, you download a piece of software called the Viewbar. It’s like a toolbar that sits at the bottom of your desktop, and it will be available soon. Essentially, it collects on your behalf some of the revenue you would usually generate for other people while you conduct your everyday browsing. Then, it returns most of this money to you
Why does this work? You win because you now get your share of the money for doing what you would normally do. AGLOCO management wins by keeping a 10% cut of this revenue (like Brad Pitt pays his agent a 10% fee). And the companies win, since they get your business. All you need to do is have the Viewbar up on your screen while browsing the Internet like normal.
What's the Catch? No catch. Sign up, refer your friends, download the free Viewbar™ software and surf the Internet as you normally would.
Privacy Counts. Your information will never be sold, rented,or shared with anyone else. Bulletproof privacy is a core commitment of AGLOCO.


Ray on Spyware

There has been some mention on the internet about how AGLOCO's upcoming Viewbar is spyware. Our chief internet privacy officer recently discussed at length about these comments, a couple of which we want to reiterate here:

Spyware entails the following characteristics:

1) It’s installed without your permission;

2) It surreptitiously tracks you;

3) It is difficult if not impossible to turn off or remove; and,

4) It sends your information to an unknown and untrustworthy entity where you have no control over what happens to it.

Simply put, AGLOCO's Viewbar does none of the above. Why?

1) You have to actively install the Viewbar;

2) You have to turn it on in order for it to track your surfing habits and earn your hours;

3) You can easily turn it off and uninstall it at will; and,

4) your info is backed up by perhaps the best Privacy Policy out on the net, which gives you explicit information about what happens with your data and how you can delete it from our system if you desire.

There are a lot of questions about when the Viewbar will be released. The Viewbar is currently in closed beta testing, we want to make absolutely sure that it is fully functioning before we release it to all our Members. However, it will be released to people in the order they have signed up, so the earlier your referrals sign up the earlier you will start earning when the Viewbar is released. So best to have your friends sign up early :)

Article from AGLOCO Official
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