You might already know that almost everything you do on the Internet makes money for someone else. And that’s not just when you spend money. Just about every time you view an ad, click an ad, search, buy something, download something, join a community, or post a story, picture, or video, some person or some company is making a fee, commission, and/or sale from your activity
If you want to join as a Member, you download a piece of software called the Viewbar. It’s like a toolbar that sits at the bottom of your desktop, and it will be available soon. Essentially, it collects on your behalf some of the revenue you would usually generate for other people while you conduct your everyday browsing. Then, it returns most of this money to you
Why does this work? You win because you now get your share of the money for doing what you would normally do. AGLOCO management wins by keeping a 10% cut of this revenue (like Brad Pitt pays his agent a 10% fee). And the companies win, since they get your business. All you need to do is have the Viewbar up on your screen while browsing the Internet like normal.
What's the Catch? No catch. Sign up, refer your friends, download the free Viewbar™ software and surf the Internet as you normally would.
Privacy Counts. Your information will never be sold, rented,or shared with anyone else. Bulletproof privacy is a core commitment of AGLOCO.



This is part of FAQ from AGLOCO official website relating to SHARE:

Why is AGLOCO giving 100% of its stock to its Members?

We believe the internet should be a platform for users to benefit from, and if anyone generates money from users' normal online activities, it should be the users themselves.

How will you (the Development Team) make money if all the AGLOCO shares are given to Members?

AGLOCO pays a 10% fee to its management company, much like Tom Cruise has an agent that he pays 10%. In order to make and keep AGLOCO a vibrant community it needs to attract the best management it can. Since no stock is given to managers or founders (only Members are issued stock). This fee serves as an incentive to attract the best talent to help run AGLOCO.

What will my shares be worth?

As a profit-seeking venture, the value of the shares will be directly related to the value of the company. Since AGLOCO's profitability is dependent upon its Members' internet usage, the greater the number of AGLOCO Members the more the shares will be worth. We are currently in the process of listing the company on the London Stock Exchange (AIM). As with any public company, the market will decide what is the fair value of the share.

When can I sell my shares?

Once AGLOCO is public, Members will be free to sell their shares through the stock exchange.

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